Expressive Words


I do not enjoy loud sounds and I am fairly quiet (at first).
The inspiration for this expressive word came from my habit of always lowering the volume on my phone. I experimented with a few different volume bars, style, and font.


Driving is my joy and key to freedom. This idea came to me almost immediately as I enjoy watching the car lanes zip by in an almost meditative trance. Also, the inverted black and white is from my love of driving at night where the dark road is illuminated by the car.
Proxima Nova was used for this design. The kerning was set to 25 because the V and E were too close together.


Swiping my credit card is my guilty pleasure and I wanted to recreate that joyous feeling through this design.
I used regular line weight with italics to create more motion. I tried to make the separation from the top half to the bottom half very thin to represent the thinness of a card.

Other Attempts
