Intro to Fab - Mounting Motors

Motors are the bane of my existence, which is a problem because the majority of my projects have motor components. I do not have any ongoing projects right now so I decided to create an enclosure with a motor mounted to the top. The idea is a decision maker, where the motor will have a pointer that can direct anywhere on a scale from no to maybe to yes.

I used the box creator. My initial idea was to create an inner box and an outer box so that the top can sit flush without having to worry about glues or screws. However, the width of the wood was irregular and the components did not fit together. I pivoted to create one box using the box creator with the top on.

Using wood glue I glued the bottom components together as well as the pointer to the motor hood. I made a mistake on the laser cutter and accidentally cut out the words instead of engraving it. I also made the mistake of measuring my motor incorrectly. I originally planned to cut out smaller rectangle and mount the motor on the wood panel with the screws that came with it. However, the rectangle was the size of the motor with the wings. However, it is a happy accident because the motor fit quite snug in the wood panel and didn’t require any screws to keep it in place.