Solar Project

Concept - Dancing with the light

An object covered in dichroic material will “dance” by spinning when the sun comes out. The colorful reflections will reflect onto a panel and to the environment.

Initial Bill of Materials

Stock Paper

Wood Panels

Solar Panel

DC Motor


Instead of finding/creating a 3D model to print and work with, I took inspiration from origami projects to create a star-like object. My main constraint was that the object was “low-poly” enough that the shape was interesting while still having a surface for the dichroic film.

Template for dichroic object

Outcome and Final Thoughts

Continuing to Final Project

Sun Dancer

Bill of Materials:

Low RPM High Torque Motor

Battery Holder and Rechargeable Batteries for 12V output

Photoresistor Light Sensor


DIY Chandeliers

Jewelry section at Michael’s

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