Week 8 Exercises
Make a 200x200 canvas completely red by only using stroke() and point().
Manipulate Image
Part 1, Make every other pixel green.
Part 2, Erase a line that is 10 pixels tall across the middle of it.
Part 3, Turn a line that is 10 pixels wide down the middle of it blue.
Make a pixelated 2-tone mirror with createCapture(VIDEO) and 20x20 pixels.
Pixels that are > 50% bright are white.
Pixels that are < 50% bright are black.
Create an HSB color spectrum like this. There are 18 columns. You should change the colorMode();
Link to P5.js
Reactive HSB spectrum code that scales with canvas size and number of bars.
Default has 18 bars.
Experimenting with variations